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2018年の締めくくりとして、今年のワインTOP5 - ランキング 5 / The most memorable TOP 5 wines in 2018 - Ranking 5



まず、お断りしておきますが、判断はワインの美味しさだけで決めているわけではありません。美味しさもランキングの重要な要素ではありますが、そのワインのもつストーリーやそれから学べたことの大きさなどもランキングに大きく関わっています。なので完全に独断😁 もし、よろしければお付き合い下さい。






写真のルナールさんのジャンヌ、ソーヴィニヨン・ブランなのですが、いわゆるスッキリ系ではなく、まったり系でかつ小憎たらしい感じの残糖感があります。幾層にも重なる味の奥行きと余韻。ゆっくりそれだけで飲んでいても飽きないし、料理と一緒でも邪魔しないぐらいの甘さ加減。なんとも普通の人がマネの出来ないワインを造るんです。インポーターさんの説明や巷の噂なのではかなりの「問題児」。人のところに転がりこむわ、突然音信不通になるわ😅 でも、この人だからこんなワインができちゃうんでしょうね。









We are already in December!  Though I just started blogging recently, I haven't recommended many wines even my blog title is "mare's recommending wines".  So, I like to show my TOP 5 wines of 2018 in this month.  This is  based on my totally biased opinion.  And, today is rank 5 - Nicolas Renard.


First of all, my judgement is not only by its taste.  Of course, it is one of the most important factors.  But, the story of wine or my learning triggered by a certain wine also matters largely.  So, I said "biased"😁  Please keep on reading when you are interested!


Maybe, some natural wine lover think why HE now?  But, there is a story behind my decision.  When I talked with experienced wine shop people in Japan and when I mentioned about recent big improvement of Japanese wines, their reactions were always like these.   1. People put too much credit on Japanese wine now while their vines are still so young.  They are not yet complex to meet such high praise.  2. The way of their winemaking is too deligent.  They work too hard and they need some relax for winemaking.  Behind their messages, I tatally understand that they are praising the level of current Japanese wines.  Young vines just need to get older to contain the complexity.  "Too deligent" implies that they are satisfied with more technical points.  Then, when I thought of those, I just found the name of Nicolas Renard as the other side.


His wine in the picture above, "Jeanne" is made of Sauvignon Blanc.  But, it is not typical Sauvignon Blanc with straight acidity, but more chill taste with very comfortable level of sugar.  It has layers of taste and very complex with long aftertaste.  It can be drank alone slowly, but it is also enjoyable over the dishes as the appropriate level of sweetness doesn't disturb meals.  This wine is something people cannot imitate easily.  Acoording to the tale of wine importer or to street rumor, he is a "troublemaker".  He becomes a sponger time to time, or he suddenly disappears😅  However, this personality may be able to make his unique wines.


This wine throws the question to me about the difference between Japanese and French cultures.  I have been a manager in French company for a long time and I have done a lot of interviews in the past.  My question which I did in every interview was "What does a job mean to your life?".  Most of Japanese candidates said, "a sense of satisfactin to life" or "a seed of his/her growth" or "contact point to a society"....  When I did the same question to French peole, their answer were, "for vacance!" or "work hard and spending meaningful time with his/her family for holidays".  There is no good or bad, but such a big difference!


I guess the characters of wines are reflected by such difference of our cultures😄

