
インスタグラム が綴るワインと時々経済のはなし

かび / Mold




ではワインでは?もう15年ぐらいオークションでワインを買ったことがありませんが、昔はよくアメリカのMorrell and Companyという会社のワインオークションでワインを買っていました。当時1945年のマルゴーが4万円だったり、1955年のラフィットが1万5000円だったりと、今から思えば天国のような時代がありました。その時、どういうワインを選んでいたかというと、ラベルにかびの生えたものと綺麗なものであれば間違いなくかびの生えたものを買っていました。綺麗なラベルのものに偽物が多いという時代ではありませんでしたが、かびの生えたのものはセラーで大事にされていた証しであると考えていました。もちろん中身はちゃんとチェックしなければいけませんが、正直外見は綺麗である必要は全然ないと今でも思っています。







Japanese people tend to like beautiful label of wine bottle.  According to the people at auciton house, comparing to the auctions abroad, at the auction in Japan, the bottles with dirty labels have much less value at the auction in Japan.  I hear similar story in guitar market.  I heard that it is quite difficult to sell dirty Martin guitar in Japan.  In US, dirty Martin guitar can be properly evaluated.  To be honest, dirty guitar tends to sound better as it has been played a lot and the guitar itself is better conditioned.  On the other hand, mint guitar which is stored NICELY in the warehouse doesn't sould at all.  The "value" is totally depending on you, either you are a musician or a collector.


Then, how about wine?  Though I don't participate in an auction recently, I used to buy wines at auciton until 15 years ago.  I often bought wines at Morrell and Company wine auction in US.  I could buy Ch. Margaux 1945 at 400 USD or Ch. Lafite 1955 at 150 USD.  It was a heaven.  At that time, how I select lots was that I chose dirty label wines with mold.  It meant the soundness of wine condition to me.  The wines with mold were properly stored in the wine cellar with decent humidity.  Of couse, we have to check the inside of bottles.  But, I still think people don't have to care about the cleaness of label unless they are investors.


These days, some people may like to have clean label for instagram.  But, the picture above, Leroy Grands Echezeaux 1959 with many colored molds...  It was one of the best burgundy wines I had and it was beautiful enough for instagram in my opinion.  It really depends on what you FOLLOW :)

