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究極のボジョレー / Ultimate figure of Beaujolais











It is counting time for Beaujolais Nouveau now.  It becomes the usual manner to say "this year's Beaujolais Nouveau is the best since the year of xxxx".  But, indeed, this year's Beaujolais looks quite promising.


When the Beaujolais Nouveau season comes, I am so eager to drink Marcel Lapierre.  In the era of  current Marcel Lapierre's father who has already passed away, I drank his Morgon which was his representative wine countlessly.  I think that I drank the most number in my life in red wine.  I just loved it.  So, when he died, I remember being truly stunned.  And, it's an embarrassing story, but I just bought his wines as many as I could buy.  I wanted to secure the amount as mcuh as I would drink for all my life.  I was in love with his wine like that.


His wine was special.  It was so lively and had full of fruit flavor, and.... had eternal youthfulness.  It was naturally understood as his old wines already told it at that time.  And now, if you drink his 2009 vintage that he last left, you can definitely reconfirm it.  Wine that really does not get old!  That is the impression that this wine holds.


Beaujolais is the wine sometimes people laugh!  Beaujolais is the wine some people despise.  But, if people drink this wine, they will notice their ignorance.  I do not have a single Romanee Conti, but this wine is enough to be satisfactory.  In the future, I think that I can drink his wine with various people in some occasion.  Cheers to my favorite Marcel Lapierre!




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